Cleaning & maintaining
your parquet floor
Wood is a characteristic product with defined natural features. The more you understand these natural features, the more you will enjoy your Weitzer Parkett floor, ultimately making it easier for you to maintain the original beauty of your parquet.

For a long parquet life
The correct climate
People and wood have a great deal in common.
Both function best at an ideal indoor climate, for instance
- Room temperature: c. 20° C
- Relative humidity: this should not fall below 30% during the winter months or rise above 65% during the summer months.
At these levels, people feel most comfortable, and so too does wood which remains stable. To help keep these levels as constant as possible year-round, we recommend:
- During the cold/wintermonths, when heating is necessary, let in short, sharp bursts of fresh air to ensure regular air circulation. However avoid extended ventilation as this will further reduce low moisture levels and encourage micro gaps/gaps to form.
- At the beginning, and during the cold/winter months, we recommend you install air humidifiers, house plants, etc; all sources of moisture; this will help prevent your parquet floor from shrinking excessively and causing micro gaps / gaps.
Low energy and Passive homes
Controlled room ventilation is important, heat can be recycled and moisture should ideally also be released into the air in a controlled manner. We recommend that measures are taken into consideration and put in place to achieve this. Helping to prevent sharp reductions in the air during periods of heating. This will not only benefit your parquet floor, but may also benefit your health. An ideal room climate of 20°C Air Temperature and a Relative Humidity level of 40 to 60% is our recommendation.
Cleaning wooden floors properly
A regular and effective cleaning / maintenance regime will extend the lifetime of the floor.
We recommend the following:
- Everyday dirt and dust must be removed using a dry flat headed mop or vacuum cleaner
- Remove sand, small stones or spillages immediately
- Remove coarse dirt using a well wrung out damp cloth
- Do not flood the timber floor with water
- Depending on the surface finish of the floor, add the Weitzer Parkett recommended cleaning agent to water
Deep clean by the parquet pro
- The parquet pro uses a machine with ProVital Cleaner to remove dirty marks from your parquet floor.
- Then the oil surface will be re-established using ProVital Finish. This stage also has the ability to renew or refresh colours.
- Parquet and staircases develop a beautiful patina and retain value and beauty
Necessary if your regular cleaning and maintenance regime is no longer achieving the desired results.
Cleaning maintenance-free parquet
Application interval for regular cleaning: 2 to 4 times a month
With the ProStrong and ProActive+ surfaces, Weitzer Parkett is the first and only supplier of maintenance-free parquet for private homes. This renders parquet maintenance unnecessary.
For regular cleaning, you can choose between the following two products:
- Weitzer Parkett Clever Cleaner
Der Clever Cleaner ist ein Reinigungsprodukt, welches kraftvoll Schmutz löst und zugleich schonend zur Parkettoberfläche ist. Der Clever Cleaner ist ökologisch unbedenklich und frei von Konservierungsstoffen. - Weitzer Parkett Reinigunsseife
Alternativ zum Clever Cleaner können Sie diese hochwertige Seifenkombination verwenden. Sie wird aus natürlichen Pflanzenölen hergestellt und ist daher biologisch abbaubar und ökologisch unbedenklich.
- Economical dosage
- Apply using a well wrung out damp mop or cloth
- Repeat over heavier soiled areas by hand using a cotton cloth or fine sponge.
Cleaning Healthy Parquet
For wood floors with the ProVital surface finish. There is a distinction between cleaning and maintenance. Regular cleaning ensures that the surface of your timber floor is dirt-free, whereas Maintenance will give the timber protection and durability.
Application interval for regular cleaning: 2 to 4 times a month
- Everyday dirt and dust must be removed using a dry flat headed mop or vacuum cleaner.
- Add ProVital Cleaner to the cleaning water
- Apply using mop – well wrung out prior to application.
- Do not flood the timber floor with water
- Repeat over heavier soiled areas by hand using a cotton cloth or fine sponge;
- Solvent-free
- Biodegradable
For regular cleaning, you can choose between the following two products:
- Weitzer Parkett ProVital Cleaner
This special water-based, solvent-free and pH-neutral product is a highly-concentrated, biodegradable neutral cleaner which is manufactured from natural raw materials such as Indian soap nuts and sugar extracts. The floor must be allowed to dry completely after cleaning with ProVital Cleaner. - Weitzer Parkett Cleaning Soap
This high quality soap combination can be used as an alternative to ProVital Cleaner. It is made from natural plant oils and is therefore biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
Cleaning frequency for ongoing maintenance: 2 to 4 times a year
- Nourishes and cares for the top surface
- Freshens up the finish of worn floors and stairs
- Spray a thin layer of ProVital Care Spray on a clean and dry surface and spread evenly with a wiper or cloth
- Also available with colour pigmentation
- Free of solvents
- Based on natural plant oils
- Water-repellent