Wood regionally from Europe

Tropical timber belongs in the tropics.
Hard to imagine, but unfortunately still a reality: tropical timber is transported halfway across the continent to Europe – even though there is enough wood of the best quality available here. And in the knowledge that deforestation of the rainforest has far-reaching ecological consequences for the world’s climate. That is why we have been one of the first large parquet manufacturers to completely renounce tropical wood for years. Because saying no to it is a clear yes to sustainability.
From nature. For nature.
Wood is an exceptional raw material that not only improves the climate at home. It is the most environmentally friendly floor covering, because it grows back and is CO2-neutral. But: It is also important where the wood comes from. If it makes unnecessary transport journeys on its way to your home, it still affects the climate balance. That’s why we use the best local wood. And we supply more than half of the city of Weiz with renewable energy generated by the conversion of our wood by-products!
Local wood from Europe.
As a leading parquet manufacturer, we are aware of our responsibility to make an important contribution to the protection of nature. That is why we source our wood exclusively from sustainable forestry. And in addition to classic oak, we also offer special trendy wood species such as ash, beech and walnut. We make sure that well over 50 percent of our wood comes from within a regional radius of 250 kilometres from Austria, Croatia and Hungary. In this way, we live a piece of change every day.